
Rachael says, “The pot is most beautiful when it has achieved its utmost functionality. A mug that feels good in the hands is, by extension, a mug that is pleasing to look at.”
After learning the art of making pottery in Washington D.C. and Florence, Italy, Rachael returned to her native New York City and started RachaelPots in 2013.
Some of her greatest insights about her designs have come from people who buy and use her handcrafted ceramic dishes of plates, bowls, place settings, spoon rests, berry bowls and mugs.
Come take a look at RachaelPots collection and add a few more items to your wedding registry. There is something for everyone.
Welcome to RachaelPots!
“The person born with a talent they are meant to use will find their greatest happiness in using it.” - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
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