Sea Stones
Anne Johnson and Arra David have been collaborating with mother nature since 2003 and are committed to respecting, renewing and replenishing the resources they use. As an example, when this artistic duo harvests smooth, naturally polished stones from rivers and beaches, they replace them with rough stones they purchase from a local quarry. They reuse and recycle tools and materials whenever possible in order to maintain balance.

From trivets to coasters, whiskey stones to soap dishes, Anne and Arra have been creating thoughtfully designed, eco-friendly home goods for more than 15-years in New Hampshire. Their intention is to enhance everyday connection to the environment, solve problems, and deliver joy.
In their own words, “Nature’s enduring forces of sun, wind, rain, and mighty waves provide the materials. Sea Stones brings the human elements of care, compassion, and respect for the environment. Together we create each unique piece by hand in harmony with nature’s gifts.”
We hope you enjoy the natural beauty of Sea Stones.
Welcome to Sea Stones!
“Great art picks up where nature ends.” - Marc Chagall
The Dowry adheres to each artists return and damage policy, view here.