There are so many decisions ahead, schedules to align, budgets to establish, cakes to taste, DJs to audition, dresses to try. Just thinking about it might have you breathing into a paper bag.
Don’t let the mounting pressure keep you from marrying the one you love exactly the way you want. If you’re reading this, then you’re planning a wedding, which means one thing for sure: Congratulations are in order.

It’s true that your wedding is probably going to be the biggest event you ever plan and finance, but having
- solid goals,
- tasks,
- checklists,
- and timelines
in place will eliminate a lot of excess worry. The great Winston Churchill said, “Plans are of little importance, but planning is essential.”
At The Dowry there have been five weddings between us, and we’ve all come to the same conclusion: Planning is crucial to success, but being rigidly stuck inside your plan can be debilitating. Make the best plans you can, but when issues arise – and they always do – give yourself and others the grace to discover an even better solution.
Before you start planning, make a list of friends and family you can depend on for support through the engagement process {do this individually and as a couple}.

These are the people you call when you’re working through a problem – to calm you down, offer sage advice and encourage you to work hard – but also to laugh with through the good and the bad.
They won’t let you cut last-minute bangs or let the photographer arrive late. We’ll call this small group your “ride-or-die” team. They may or may not be in your wedding party, but they are just as essential, if not more so.
Name them. Ask if they will help. Give them specific responsibilities. Let them know timelines. Be thankful and gracious with them. They will be the ones you call when you need support, encouragement and advice. So make sure you offer them the same!
It’s time to follow Sir Winston’s advice and get to planning. Choose the wedding checklist that best suits you from below.
- Select a checklist that works within your engagement time frame, i.e., length of time from engagement date to wedding date. We have created a list if your wedding is over 8 months away or under 8 months.
- Read through selected checklist. Cross off anything that doesn’t apply to you. What’s left is what you need to tackle!
Now go eat a hearty meal with your partner and be generous with the wine. No matter what, the next several months will fly by as you make critical decisions and plan your wedding. It’s easy to get lost in the details and forget how much you love his laugh or how safe she makes you feel.

Soon enough, you’ll be married and starting your lives together in a whole new way. Enjoy each other, support and celebrate one another, be the best versions of yourselves.
We are so excited for you and wish you all the best for a safe and happy future together. We recommend making sure you set aside one day each month to connect over something other than your wedding. Go bowling. See a movie. Check out a concert. Remember to do the activities that you love doing together and try not to focus on wedding details. It’s important, we promise.